Quentin Tarantino ‘rejects hypothesis’ on Margot Robbie’s limited role

Quentin Tarantino responded sharply at a press conference in Cannes for his new film Once Upon a Time in … Hollywood to questions about the limited screen time afforded to Margot Robbie. The director said ‘I reject your hypothesis’ to a journalist who asked why Robbie had so few lines in the film
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  1. Movie was almost perfect. The amount of her time on screen and dialogue parts were perfect. He is maybe the best actress in this age but a lot of dialogue would not had fit in the movie

  2. If someone put a camera on you and filmed your daily life, I'm betting there wouldn't be as much dialogue as you think. Once Upon a Time followed Sharon around as a character study. It is a very naturalistic depiction of someone's daily life, which doesn't always include conversation.

  3. The moment she corrected herself for saying "actress" to "actor" one could immediately know what type of person she is, and what kind of question you can expect from her.

  4. The Sharon Tate character is presented as one-dimensional, but the two guys only go a little past that. All the main characters are basically cartoon characters. So while the NYTs reporter has a valid point, the movie and its main characters are not meant to be taken seriously. It is just a romp. (I was waiting for Tarantino to do the female actress to stop talking, ha, ha.)

  5. Tarantino is possibly one of the most scrutinized filmmakers of the present day, and he hasn't once succumbed to it. Setting aside the purposeful nature of his process, it is absurd to state or imply that he would marginalize an actor on any basis. Critics and journalists alike should know better than to take cheap shots like that, not least because he won't play along, not even for a second.

  6. Interesting response from Margot Robbie, makes a lot of sense. Lame response from Tarantino. Personally I tend to skip the parts with Robbie's character in the movie. I feel those parts just serve SPOILERS as a red herring, which doesn't work if you've already seen the film. Ok, maybe they show the character, but to me she just seems kind of dimwitted, the way Robbie portrayed her. Not particularly compelling.

  7. These dummies act like he wrote the roll for her. He wrote the story, and he’s a big enough director that an actress of Margot’s caliber would be fine taking a roll with minimal dialogue. But she still freaking shines in the movie.

    It’s weird, you never really hear people complain about the other A Listers that just show up for a scene or two in his movies. People are so ignorant.


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