Guardian reporter shares account of body-slam by candidate

Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs gives his account of his alleged assault by the Republican candidate for Montana’s congressional seat, Greg Gianforte. Jacobs says he was ‘body-slammed’ to the ground and was told to ‘get the hell out of here’ after questioning the candidate about the Republican healthcare plan. Gianforte has since been charged with misdemeanor assault.
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  1. Note all the keyboard warrior Republicans, Trump fans, white folks claiming that they support journalists being beaten up.
    Let me ask you this: how many of you are currently pearl-clutching about 'property damage' and 'looters'? How many of you are suddenly big fans of what you'd deem 'civility'?

  2. Should have curb stomped that reporter. Thats exactly what they deserve. Wish there was more of it. I'm sick of reporters getting a pass to verbally assault people. P…y reporter.

  3. I dont really like Gianforte, but I love it that the reporters voice is cracking int the audio, like hes about to cry. Yes, it unacceptable for a politician to "body slam" a reporter, but the reporter just learned a lesson he shouldve on the playground: Do not try to "confront" ppl without expecting the unexpected and sometimes, physical retribution. You can hear the entitlement in his voice when hes told no and to leave. Its as clear an indication as his misusing the word "surreal": His entire privileged delusion of the world was just shattered when he didnt get his way. You can almost hear him, sitting in a starbucks, talking to his friends about the "trauma" hes suffering from the "attack".

  4. I know Gianforte is wrong here but is it just me who is glad to see a politician who is sick and tired of the media and did something. Not mentioning this guy is richer than anyone in the US government except for trump.


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