Australia fires: nation braces for ‘catastrophic’ bushfire week

The NSW premier, Gladys Berejiklian, has declared a state of emergency as bushfires rage across the state. ‘We know the weather forecast for tomorrow is at catastrophic levels,’ Berejiklian said. The NSW rural fire commissioner, Shane Fitzsimmons, said that level was ‘off the conventional scale’ and even houses that were designed and built to withstand bushfires would not survive such extreme conditions. ’Catastrophic conditions are where people die’, he said. The declaration of a state of emergency means emergency services have authority to undertake whatever is deemed necessary and to use any resources to save lives
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  1. Where is Anastasia? Qld’ers have not heard anything from her! (“ nothing beats Queensland?? “) we have heard Nothing! She is not here…. and the media is SILENT! They are silent!

    That’s how you know Chanel 7, Channel9, Channel 10… that’s how you know you are corrupt.. Qld leader is MIA in a disaster , and none of you say anything! Instead you attack our PM, you attack the Leader.. when QLD had Floods, just like fires the responsibility lays on the premier… a premier who has been found by court to have failed.. where is the Anastasia????

  2. What about taking of the plants of the fields so the fire does not spread and move the trees cause the wind is helping the fire to regenerate and the trees are helping the wind is helping the fire AND WE NEED TO HELP THE ANIMALS

  3. Burn Australia Burn this country just like America, Britain and the other white countries have Brought so much Atrocities in the world. Yah judgement is coming upon you with all of your military might Can't Stop Yah JUDGEMENT.

  4. Since people are lighting these fires, I have to ask if they belong to any particular organisation that's trying to make a point here. Do they belong to the Climate change protesters? Or are they with another group? Because I think this is sabotaege

  5. A small suggestion: If the machines are used to dig up mud around the fire rings, the chances of it spreading are less. The wood that caught fire will anyways burn to the core, but if, mud is hastened to the burning logs, the wood may turn into coal and stop burning, sooner than watching it burn and quenching with water or dust.


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