Why the far-right AfD has been so successful in Germany

The far-right, anti-immigration Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) is riding a populist wave across Europe’s largest economy.
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According to polls conducted this month, the AfD has become the strongest party in Thuringia, a former state of the communist German Democratic Republic (GDR), for the first time since the Nazi era. In Saxony, another former GDR state, the party finished a very close second behind the CDU.

The Guardian’s Berlin correspondent, Deborah Cole, explains how the AfD has risen from its eurosceptic origins to a party that is ‘managing to set the agenda’ in German politics

Success of far-right AfD shows east and west Germany are drifting further apart ► https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/sep/01/success-far-right-afd-shows-east-west-germany-drifting-further-apart

Everyone is terrified of a far-right return in Germany. Here’s why it won’t happen https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/sep/07/everyone-is-terrified-of-a-far-right-return-in-germany-heres-why-it-wont-happen

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  1. What? They are not far right… define far right plz? There are leftist parties that are more far out on the left then these are out to the right…? So why do you never talk about those far leftist partys that are actual extremist? This seams to be a problem in most of the west not treating the right and the left the same… weird right?
    And Im a Swede, centric and even if I was right wing being right in sweden would be the equivalent of beina democrate in the US. Btw, it can be debated if Nazies was far left or far right btw… you could make the claim that the nazies from wwII was far left btw (socialists). So…

  2. When you look on the Germany companies map you can clearly see that most of the companies (and opportunities) are based in the western part of Germany. After the reunion most of the eastern companies went bust and eastern part is treated by the western as inferior. So no wonder why eastern part feels angered.

  3. Aha, geltende deutsche Gesetze einhalten zu wollen ist also rechtsradikal. Ihr beim Guardian habt doch den Knall nicht gehört. Über 16k Messerankriffe im Jahre 23 sprechen schon allein für den Zuspruch für die AfD. Vergewaltigungen usw durch diese Goldstücke sind da noch nicht einmal mit erwähnt.

  4. Beacause eatablished powers have failed the people left to right and have become corrupt and imoral to the core.
    They called themselves ALTERNATIVE, ffs! I dont get what is there to explain.
    If peoole have been ignores for decades with their life quality being continuously degraded, what exactly did you expect if not this?


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