‘We’ve got a cow to shoot next’: What death in farming really looks like | Human Animal

The Guardian’s Richard Sprenger steps inside a farm, an abattoir and a knackers yard to see how the industry deals with dead and dying animals, and what that says about our own humanity.
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The welfare of farm animals is well regulated in the UK, but in many cases these animals still suffer traumatic, messy deaths through sickness, injury or the lengthy process that leads to the abattoir. It’s an area of farming that we rarely think about, let alone see – but the safe disposal of carcasses takes many forms

Episode 1: ‘This is a place of death’: the fight for a meat-free world | Human Animal ► https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2021/oct/26/this-is-a-place-of-death-the-fight-for-a-meat-free-world-video

WARNING: This video contains footage of dead animals and animals being killed

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#HumanAnimal #Abattoir #Knackerman #AnimalWelfare #Farming




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  1. I think the problem is rather how cheap meat has become this drastically decreases the quality of the animals life. The desire for meat will always be there but if we can make meat seen as a luxury it would sit much better with most people i think

  2. Some people dont understand that farm animals really live a much better life than wild animals. Wild animals almost never die happily of old age like some uneducated people think. They get ripped to shreds and die slowly trying to fight their way out of a predators jaws. Those that dont die that way die even more slowly due to lack of water or food or die of disease/parasites. Farm animals (at least in free range farms how it SHOULD be done) live a life that wild animals dream of. They get to eat every day and go about their routine with few interruptions until they are killed quickly and painlessly. Of course there are some cruel farms out there that give real farmers a bad reputation but people need to see videos like this and other humane free range farm practices.

  3. Next time you eat your flavour of McDonalds or a Hamburger. Think of this 👉 Peoples diet based on animal farming such as meats and dairy is not a clean consumption. Farming is responsible for 30% of environmental impact, caused by deforrestations, animal by products, such as methane, pesticides and manuar run offs in to water systems and the heavy burden on our water resources.. just to mention some. Just adding a perspective… It takes 2000 litres of water just to end up with one Hamburger on your plate. If people only realised how harmful it not only is to our environment but also to your health. No wander we have a world wide
    epidemic of unhealthy and cronically ill people burdening our health systems.
    Wanna get real!? Start eating healthy and consume whole food plant base. You be doing much more for our one and only Earth than you would buying a silly EV car.

  4. I have a lot of respect for how honest everyone was in this video. And the thing is, I was not exactly pleased with all of the responses, but. Two things: 1, desensitization is a real thing that is incredibly hard to avoid and happens fairly quickly, so the less than savory attitudes of some of these guys are unfortunately completely normal. And 2, it is important that we don't demonize the kind of farming shown in this video, because while it's far from perfect, it's MUCH better than true, full scale factory farming. And if we call all industrial farming bad, and come after everyone in equal measure, all that will happen is that the little guys (smaller scale, free range, etc) will lose against us, but the big guys won't, and all we will be left with is the greater of two evils.

  5. Sadly death is a part of life. All the farmers I grew up knowing and the ones I know still respect all their animals from birth right up to death. Animals are their livelihood. You cannot mistreat the very things that bring your income in. As with animals we as humans also need to remember to respect one another. We may not agree with each other and their beliefs but we should respect each other always. Whether you eat meat or you are a vegetarian we cannot force our will upon others. After all botanists will tell you plants feel pain. They can feel happy. When a plant has food, sunlight and water it thrives. But even plants grown for food must die for processing. If they place human emotions on animals why not on plants? Really who is to say what exactly plants may feel or if they can or cannot think in some way? Bottom line is respect. Towards each other and the creatures we share this world with.


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