US national security meeting over Iran threat | Bangladesh protestors refuse army-led govt

Five US servicemen have been injured in a rocket attack on the US al Asad airbase in western Iraq. It comes as Washington asks nations with diplomatic ties to Tehran to pass messages to the government – urging them to stand down. US officials say Iran has begun mobilising rocket launchers and conducting military drills – a sign the attack could be imminent.

The head of Bangladesh’s military is expected to meet with student leaders, after weeks of protests forced the resignation of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The military is for now in control but has promised an orderly political process lead by an interim government.

04:19 Bangladesh army chief to meet protestors
06:52 Sheikh Hasina’s downfall swift sending shockwaves across region
09:01 Relatives of detained Venezuelans demand justice
10:01 Australian plan to cap international student numbers criticised

#worldnews #israel #iran #bangladesh #internationalstudents

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  1. Why aren't people in Gaza taken to Egypt as refuges… they could return after Hamas has been destroyed‼️‼️Lebanon could Gaza people as refuges until war is oover
    There are still hostages and have not returned them…..
    there should not be negotiations to get hostages
    …. gaza people say innocent gaza's are being killed…. while innocent hostages being held…. Why aren't Gaza's DEMANDING HAMAS TO RELEASE THR HOSTAGES‼️‼️

  2. The liar who knowingly ignores that Shiite power dominates in this country… Remmember the 700,000 victims of one of the deadliest lying wars of the 20th century and thousands of others exiled to Iraqi Kurdistan, a total flop, the failure of a war for oil… We have information that the Iraqis are demanding the departure of US troops, which is barely 5 days old; Saying that the Iraqis are US allies makes you smile… After having erected walls, checkpoints and other filth to divide the natives, the idea was that the US troops protect the Kuwaitis who have been pumping Iraqi oil since the 2005 aggression. No need to stuff us with stupid propaganda.

  3. USA plotted coup in bangladesh and endangered minorities, now minorities are being killed in Bangladesh, temples are being demolished, minority's shops are being vandalising !! USA destroys the democracies all over world, they love democracy so that they can plot a coup to get a favorable government !! Respect for Putin has been doubled now ❤ !!

  4. Where are the hostsges? Are they stillxalive?
    Looking how devastating andxGaza totally destroyed, one wonder if hostages were not among the victims. Looks like the world is taken hostage by Netanyahu, who doesn't want a peaceful solution to this conflict. 20 months of Gaza bombarding and still hostages are nowhere to be found? Pathetic, this show that IDF and its allied the USA are failures.

  5. Too late Blinken and Biden, to be calling for a ceasefire between HAMAS and Israel.

    When you had the power to stop it, you goof it, by vetoing the resolutions that had called for a ceasefire.

    You both aught to resign if you still got a conscience that is alive.


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