‘Ukrainians are our friends’: the young Russian anti-war protesters defying Putin

Thousands of people in cities across Russia have been defying police threats and staging protests against the invasion of Ukraine. Authorities have a low tolerance for demonstrations and marches, and attending them can have serious consequences, including fines, mass arrests and even imprisonment. 
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Despite the crackdown, Apollinaria Oleinikova, along with her husband, Arshak Makichyan, and fellow protester Arina Adju have been attending anti-war rallies in Moscow and Saint Petersburg since the conflict began. As the death toll continues to rise, they say they feel like they have no choice but to publicly oppose the Kremlin and stand in solidarity with Ukraine

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  1. Putin, who wanted this war, in person remains physically very far away from its horrors and dangers. no sign of him wearing military fatiguies
    He seems to prefer the comfort of his Italian Jacket.

  2. Спасибо всем россиянам, у которых хватило смелости сказать «НЕТ» этой войне. Мир ненавидит не вас, мир ненавидит эту войну. Есть много хороших россиян против этого злодея по имени Путин.

  3. Either your a Ukraine living in russia or decedents of Ukraine putting this on you tube , Russians do not do this unless they crazy wanting usa nato take over there country , rubbish

  4. Russia – Ukraine War = Family Dispute 🙂

    summed up this war in one sentence. An 'intelligent' person MAY ask 'WHO is causing it?' . I'm no expert, i'll leave the intellects to figure that one out 🙂


  5. The logic of the U.S GOVERNMENT: anti war protest inside America is considered a criminal offense and you could be charged under the espionage act like Snowden and be thrown into prison. BUT if you are a anti war protesters in a country they dislike than you are a HERO and someone who fights for justice and they will show you off like in this video . Do y’all not see the hypocrisy or are you guys immune to this. Maybe y’all ought to read more books and get that frontal lobe more engaged. No offense.

  6. There certainly are many individuals driven by ideology, but besides that, whether it be Russian, Ukrainian, NATO, Israel, Arab powers, Iran, China, North Korea, Africans or Latin Americans, no individual soldier or fighter hated the other, they are simply pawns who are moved by the player (politician) to where they are desired to go. I believe if a Russian and an Ukrainian meet individually in civilian clothing, they would like to drop by at the bar for two glasses of vodka.

  7. Bless their hearts. These people are so caring & brave. They, as far as I'm concerned, are the face of REAL Russia, not their government's actions.

    It's like when there was tension between the USA & USSR back in the 80s, & it was the governments having all the big issues – meanwhile, average ordinary people in both countries just wanted 2 get 2 know each other & connect.

  8. Как народ, как хранители любой нации, мы должны нести ответственность перед собой и за жизнь наших ближних. Мы должны ценить жизнь превыше всего и никогда не причинять вреда и не убивать, если только на нас не нападают, и то только в целях защиты. Мы должны быть свободны в самовыражении и должны иметь мужество противостоять тем, кто угрожает нашему праву на свободу слова. Мы должны быть свободны собираться, протестовать, соглашаться и не соглашаться. Когда мы позволяем себе быть запертыми в клетке страха, мы больше не свободны и больше не живы. Пишутся книги по истории, и какие истории они расскажут о вашем времени, о вашей борьбе, о вашей судьбе. Я не уверен, кто написал эти слова, но они очень сильны.
    Из всех грустных слов, написанных ли они языком или пером, нет ничего более грустного, чем слова, которые могли бы быть.

  9. Protesting ain't where it's at I'm sorry to tell you guys this but you guys going to get guns some of yours going to have to die but it's called liberating your country and that's what you're going to have to do because America we can't do it for you if we do it'll end nuclear So you Russians and ukrainians need to liberate friends and family will die but it's for your guys's close to the Better Living for tomorrow

  10. Best Way To Protest War In Ukraine – Everybody In The Entire World Places Patchouli Oil Everywhere They Can – Make The Whole World Smell Like It's Time To End War Forever.
    Use Slingshots To Cast Powerful Smelling Essential Oils Into Russian Kremlin.

  11. -.,интересно, понимает ли русский народ всю серьезность? Путин начал жестокую агрессивную войну против мирного демократического соседа. Массовые убийства мирных жителей, женщин и детей. Полная цензура и контроль СМИ, чтобы народ не знал правды! На сегодняшний день погибло 23 500 российских солдат. Европа и большинство стран не терпят путинской агрессивной войны, мы санкционируем сильно и русским будет хуже. Россия обанкротится и станет новой Северной Кореей. изгой мира и бедняк! Те, кто поддерживает диктатора Путина, должны немного подумать о том, что эта жестокая война, которую вы ведете, Россия давно проиграла.
    interesno, ponimayet li russkiy narod vsyu ser'yeznost'? Putin nachal zhestokuyu agressivnuyu voynu protiv mirnogo demokraticheskogo soseda. Massovyye ubiystva mirnykh zhiteley, zhenshchin i detey. Polnaya tsenzura i kontrol' SMI, chtoby narod ne znal pravdy! Na segodnyashniy den' pogiblo 23 500 rossiyskikh soldat. Yevropa i bol'shinstvo stran ne terpyat putinskoy agressivnoy voyny, my sanktsioniruyem sil'no i russkim budet khuzhe. Rossiya obankrotitsya i stanet novoy Severnoy Koreyey. izgoy mira i bednyak! Te, kto podderzhivayet diktatora Putina, dolzhny nemnogo podumat' o tom, chto eta zhestokaya voyna, kotoruyu vy vedete, Rossiya davno proigrala.


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