The Guardian’s Anne Davies caught without a mask

The Guardian’s Investigations Editor Anne Davies has been caught without a mask at a Sydney COVID-19 press conference, breaching health orders the rest of the city has to abide by.

In response to questions from Sky News Australia, The Guardian said Ms Davies had apologised to journalists near her when she wasn’t wearing the mask.

A spokesman for The Guardian said, “Anne Davies wore her mask throughout the NSW press conference today”.

“At the end of the press conference she removed her mask while attempting to ask Brad Hazard (sic) a question as he was leaving.

“Sometimes reporters at press conferences remove their masks to be better heard.

“After Mr Hazard (sic) left the press conference footage clearly shows Anne with her mask in both hands.

“She then inadvertently holds on to her mask for a few seconds before realising she did not have it on and apologising to those around her.

“She then put her mask back on.

“The Guardian and Anne Davies believe everyone should follow the public health rules and we encourage all media outlets to report those rules.”

Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton said footage of Ms Davies “does not match the picture The Guardian painted”.




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  1. But don't you know that self important leftist journalist with overestimated IQs are part of the elite classes? Smart enough to not get the WuFlu, much like and in the same vain as Obama's 700 party guests! Don't be so puerile Sky News!

  2. Australia GOVT state vaccine is not compulsory at the same time they keep people on lockdowns until we get vaccinate
    Cases numbers got nil to do with be on lockdown as the are fake not true Andrews admit this today first September no unlock until reach 70 % vaccinate does sound compulsory or not ?
    He provoke protester to gain fines money and arrest he is a
    I have no words for it
    The worse part is that the opposition support this idea of him all the same

  3. 2.5 million of fine bargain for this GOVT good profit another reasons for extend lockdown to gain more fines this pay police wages
    The treasurer. On news tonight the first of September he declared that this extension of lockdown does not have any impact on the economy
    Two day ago he was against this lockdown extension he is another big lie how can they live with them self continue lie everyday ?they pocket are full they not care who are lose money by be lock at home

  4. The blue masks are only 10% effective we've been told . 10% of what..the KN95 is the mask to have. I bought one at the beginning when Covid rode into town. I paid £10 Stirling for it. I was told they are washable whereas the blue ones are one time use only. What's this to do with this news item I hear you ask. I have no idea.

  5. Obvious idiot Guardian investigations editor assumes she is too special, above all others, not necessary. Was her comment: "Oh, no one cares about that anymore,.." Idiot. Look who died this week because he never wanted to wear a mask. He was in hospital since July, died last week of COVID-19 & complications.

  6. If toddlers and school children have to talk through a mask while these bs people don’t stick to the rules if they didn’t dish huge fines one wonders if most people would listen to anything they say because we know they are lying

  7. If toddlers and school children have to talk through a mask while these bs people don’t stick to the rules if they didn’t dish huge fines one wonders if most people would listen to anything they say because we know they are lying

  8. She Needs too be Fined!!, Where’s Gladys Security, that would be NSW POLICE FORCE!!. So Fine Her!!. Fine Her !!!, Typical!!!, 2 Sets of Rules!! We are all in this Together!!, BULL….!!!


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