The Guardian claims Donald Trump’s success is due to ‘failure of the press’

Sky News host Paul Murray says it has been a “massive week” at the newspaper The Guardian.

Guardian US columnist Margaret Sullivan says Donald Trump’s success in swing state polling is due to a “failure of the press”.

“Because they are so fair when they talk about on TV, aren’t they?” Mr Murray said.

“Yeah it’s the media – what about the fact that just people are being polled, they know what’s going on.

“I don’t think the media is the problem here.”




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  1. Biden and his minions got 26 million in cash. Trump so far got nothing but if he keeps his promise to give the mega rich another trillion, financed through further increasing the national debt, they might commit to give him 50 million.

  2. It's hilarious to see how some media put him on pedestal like he is a sort of messiah who can do no wrong – he has divine vision and we are all lost before he came to us. He simply can do no wrong. And they do it for their own purpose. It's ridiculous.

  3. These Networks Lying Workers knows they are Lying to Help Biden hoping the Citizens will Believe It And Biden Ratings Would Go UP BUT INSTEAD ITS GOING DOWN LIKE A PLANE NOSE DIVING TO CRASH.Imagine these people lying for nothing must be saying BETTER WE TELL THE TRUTH CAUSE NOTHING BEATS THE TRUTH MORE REWARDING.

  4. The only threat to democracy in the US is the Democrat party, they are invasive, authoritarian and incompetent. Remember this, it was the Democrats, specifically, Hilary Clinton and agents on her behalf that launched the Russian collusion narrative based are a wholly manufactured dirt file. The same media outlets in this sound grab are the same media outlets that ran with that narrative, most knowing full well it was BS. Its is these media outlets that have abused the broader US electorate by running narratives and half truths rather reporting honestly and in the round. They are the threat to Democracy.

  5. Nope it is BECAUSE of the press. These liberals just dont seem to get it. Let me clear it up for any liberal watching. You have been lied to about pretty much everything. And the destruction of society is so apparent that sitting back is no longer an option. The bias in the press IS the problem. And the criminalisation of anyone who disagrees with the message the press is putting out is what they think will fix it. But they dont stop thieves and illegal immigrants and raise energy prices. Who wants more of that.? Like liberals,? No one. Stop the grift. Vote Trump 2024!!!

  6. Hey porky. You're a joke.
    I can only imagine how you and your Murdoch media Fascist enablers would be absolutely GOING OFF for the entire 24 hrs of a day if the Democrat nominee for president
    was a Rapist. A Fraud. AND, WORST of all, a Traitor to the the constitution who actually tried to overthrow a legitimately elected, democratic government!
    There would be non stop, wall to wall coverage of this. Now, tell me i'm wrong about that. Be honest now. If you can. US$787.5 Million.

  7. IT IS because the media failed, traditional media is dying, it is loosing relevancy as its main audience is literally "ageing out", and the younger demographic gets it's information from the internet from people like, Tim Pool, Joe Rogan, Patrick Bet-David, Alex Jones. The legacy media failed because their lack of credibility and their viewership is so small that they lack the power they had up till the 2000's to control what people could see.


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