The ancient ocean on Mars

How much water did Mars actually have when it was young and how did it lose it?
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A team of researchers at Nasa’s Goddard Space Flight Center have used infrared telescopes on Earth to study water molecules in the Martian atmosphere. The findings indicate that as much of 20 per cent of the surface Mars was covered by an ancient ocean.

Source: Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center

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  1. We dont even need to speculate about the fact that martian ocean was full of higher lifeforms. At least during the noachian period. Even now theres still some sort of lower living organisms. Just prospect the 4K surface photos from Perseverance or Curiosity. NASA certainly knows about this controversial fact

  2. Раньше миллион лет. назад в времени динозавров темпратура Солнце было высокое других перёд нас планет было обитаемый Жызн может было щас Солнце уже теряет темпратуру дальнейшем мы земляни будем жыть на Планете Венера

  3. So when will they show the city in the hale crater ? Is that in the agenda for this year or next? Maybe in 10 years ?

    google "hale crater mars anomaly research" and click on the first link. Enough said

  4. I believe when the BIG BANG theory happened billions years ago they said that two planet collided into each other to make the moon and earth I think that is wrong it split into 3 planets to make mars.. also I believe that mars was and earth was closer then to each other what is today and I think mars slowly drifted away from earth loosing its gravitational spin and mars slowly died off and that explain why NASA is finding water on the planet mars..

  5. Lets just hope that they've been thinking about the sand storms. The sand storms could flatten the planet, making the hollows disappear. Much like when you see a footstep in snow disappear beacuse of the new snow covering it, or when it's windy, and the surrounding snow covers it. Same happens with sand

  6. What if humanity lived in Mars in the ancient past, but then Mars went dry, and foreseeing that the planet cannot sustain life anymore, we sent a colony to Earth :O :O 
    I should write a movie script. 

  7. Is this news just pushed due to an immense need a new STEM  Funding-Proposal paycheck in front of elections? Because, last time I checked, Mars is already known to have Ice/Polar Caps (which implies past evaporated oceans); and that is not news at least 4 decades already, since the time of Carl Sagan in the late 70's

  8. What Mars was like; what happened to it and what it's really like now is pretty old information. Anything you hear from "NEVER A STRAIGHT ANSWER" is at least 80 year old news and not even worth publishing. I'm posting this because it's so stupid for them to come out and make this statement. Guess what else about Mars oceans?? They're still there!!!!! Frozen and covered with a layer of dust. Again very old news. If you want to know real ancient history stay far away from the priests of NASA and the rest of the religion they call "mainstream" science. Just google "scientists baffled" and you'll see how often they're stupefied because they aren't ALLOWED to know anything except what they're taught and told or it's career over.  And that isn't much. The real story and ancient history of our solar system is very interesting and actually very much like the movie "Star Wars"; there was quite a bit going on before we came along and a huge solar system wide cataclysm that paved the way for us. Seek and you will find; that I can assure you. Just don't bother with the high priests of science; they're clueless and immediately shut down like programmed robots as soon as something comes along that "baffles" them which is daily!


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