José Ramos-Horta, President of Timor-Leste | Address to the National Press Club

His Excellency Dr José Ramos-Horta is visiting Australia as a guest of the Australia Institute, as part of its 30th anniversary celebrations.

Timor Leste is one of Australia’s closest neighbours and allies. However, many Australians are not aware of the history of Timor Leste, the Timorese fight for independence, or how the futures of our respective countries are intertwined.

While strategic dependence on power is often promoted as the path to national security, former Prime Minister and now President of Timor Leste, José Ramos-Horta, has direct experience building a democracy from scratch and knows what is at risk when a nation loses geopolitical autonomy. Against the threats of climate change, food insecurity, and rising inequality, to achieve true security in the Asia-Pacific region, nations need to build respect, genuine partnerships and support each other to flourish.

On the 25th anniversary of Timor Leste’s historic vote for independence, following years of resistance against foreign occupation, President Ramos-Horta will reflect on the importance and fragility of national independence, and how the stability of the Asia-Pacific region relies on respecting our differences and confronting shared challenges together.

[Aired on 9 October 2024]

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  1. Mr President has long standing diplomat experience around the globe during resistance time. Make him very fluent in social and International policy issues. Specially isues among Australia and Timor Leste. Proud of you with very sharp and courage to criticise Australian companies for their injustice treatment against Timor-Leste workers in Australia. The Australian Institute is credible and high dignity in providing this forum to Mr President

  2. Good answer Mr. President especially for the greater sunrise independent study and the renewal energy project. At the moment our electricity cost is 0,25 cent/kw for large business. It’s totally unfair for the large company that employee much people exclude investment itself. We need give more incentive to large businesses.

  3. Irrefutably I respect and perpetually salute for our senior veterans. However TL at this digital age need a tangible development, The remedy for TL is developing infrastructure, upscaling its economy, creating jobs for people, competitive national education tailors to possibility of getting a job and self employment. And absolutely good national health system so not wasting money to other country for health treatment.


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