Inside the brain of a gambling addict – BBC News

What happens inside the brain of a gambling addict when they make a bet – and can the secret to their addiction be found within the brain itself? BBC Panorama filmed a unique experiment designed to find out. Wendy Bendel’s partner killed himself after struggling with a 20-year gambling addiction. In a confession he wrote for Wendy he singled out the high-stakes, high-frequency fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBTs) found in bookmakers across the UK. These machines offer gamblers a choice of games, and combine potentially high stakes with the chance of a win every 20 seconds.
Join Wendy on tonight’s Panorama, as she seeks to find out why these machines can be so addictive, and are so controversial.
Panorama – Why are Gambling Machines Addictive? is broadcast on BBC One on Monday 12 September at 20:30.

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  1. Even experimenting with gambling and trying it should be treated just the same as experimenting or trying a class A drug. It can be extremely dangerous and detrimental to an individual. My mom and dad first got me into it believe it or not, letting me choose a horse in the grand national with my own pocket money. It won. Since then I've been heavily involved in fobts, casinos, online, sports bets, you name it. It's not a nice life. Best not to get involved in the first place.
    'there's only one winner' might sound very cliche but those cliche sayings are always true.

  2. Highly Interesting..But The Gambling Industry Has An Epidemic Of Irresponsible Gamblers Who They Feed From..Walk Into Any Bookies And The Machines Will Be In Full Use..So F Off With Your 95 Percent Of Responsible Gamblers..You Know That's A Lie. No

  3. Here are some really depressing details: okay, there are thirty-two National Football League teams, and each has an active roster of about fifty-three players, which equals 1,696 NFL players, and at least half of all of these guys are superb players and thus get paid millions of dollars each year.

    And so, you would think: wow, I'm sure at least several hundred players could become wealthy from mastery of it. And yet with injuries, and poor management of their wealth, and with other problems, nearly 80% of all former NFL players end up filing for bankruptcy at some point later on in life!

    What about the lottery, where a few random individuals out of billions of people win multi-millions? Entire books and documentaries have been made on how getting such immediate wealth has obliterated people's lives in just a few short years, and very few come out ahead of where they were before they won. Winning is often tantamount to losing and coming out worse than they were before winning!

    Let's peek at mental health: In the summer of 2020, one kid in Michigan took his Economic Stimulus Payment of $1200 and bought a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle and drove to Wisconsin, then ended up killing two people because he thought he was there to help. And yet now spends a life in legal trouble, and will probably suffer post-traumatic stress for the remainder of his life. Meanwhile, another kid who took that same check and bought say something such as Zoom Stock, or dozens of others, is already a multi-millionaire. And if he or she is wise, such a person also hired a financial advisor.

    Success in life and career and income and wealth are based less on mastery of one single skill, but more on just being at least adequate and hopefully proficient at a handful of basic life skills and challenges, and mental health is somewhere near the top of the list. And building wealth over a lifetime has very little to do with your income, and has everything to do with your understanding of TIME and your understanding of how to SAVE and earn compound interest.

    When you are still young, you must learn and understand how to successfully put yourself on the "right side of the equation" when it comes to financial decision-making in life. Many younger individuals tend to think, "If I only had more income…" and "Some day I'll begin saving…" etc., when in fact almost everyone who wins the lottery ends up in ruins financially, and approximately 78% of all former NFL players (who were all essentially once millionaires) ultimately end up filing for bankruptcy. You see, their income level didn't matter! A higher income can help pay the bills, for certain, but in order to build WEALTH, you only need one thing: TIME. At age twenty, you have it! Even up to age thirty, you've still got a great chance.

    Meanwhile, kids: start investing in your twenties, because just a penny doubled in value thirty times (2^30) equals well over ten million dollars! You only need thirty doubles, and you probably have that many years in which to seek them (just Amazon, for example, has had about eight or nine doubles since 2001; many other companies have done even better). Of course, if you want to build even more wealth, just start with more than a penny! You can do this at ANY level of income, as long as you BEGIN WHILE YOUNG.

    I do have some concern for those who don't understand how hard things can get in the investment world: it's been virtually a straight-up ride since about March 2009, and while that could continue for a while longer, it cannot last forever. Recent trends such as commission-free trades really do disguise some of the dangers inherent with investing; there was some element of discipline created decades ago when it often cost $300 or $500 just for the commission fee to buy a healthy position in a stock, and an equally similar fee to sell it! Now, people trade with ZERO commissions, get nailed on taxes, and look at foolish schemes such as crypto-currencies and shorting stocks of dying companies. Meanwhile, someone who invested the equivalent of one cup of espresso a week into Amazon, or Apple, or Nike, and did so starting twenty or more years ago, is now very wealthy!

    When I was younger, interest rates on buying a home were headed toward 20% and the unemployment rate was well above 10%. It's been relatively easy these past dozen years for anyone with even just a small chunk of savings to simply "buy the dips" created by any number of economic forces and changes.

    Start Saving and seek out your Thirty Doubles, but also: Brace Yourselves! – j q t –

  4. I've been in the online slots world for about a year now, I've never considered myself an addict, and if I go by raw numbers, I could say that I've probably won 90% of what I've lost, (let's say I've lost $1000 and won $900, maybe I've even won more than I lost, I'm not keeping count) what I'm noticing is that if you don't control your impulses this can become very dangerous. Anyway, when I win, or have won, I've always withdrawn 80% of that capital to use it, and I've bought useful things with that money won, however, there's always that "what if maybe…" and you end up going back, because you think you'll win again, and I suspect that online casinos are tracking players so that when they detect that they've won, they'll start draining all the money possible to recover the loss. And even today it is more dangerous, because they can do it perfectly with the information from the internet and with a simple follow-up of your activity in their online casinos. I have not fallen into addiction, luckily, but I have relatives who have, and it is very sad. I plan not to gamble again, but sometimes I go back just for fun, I have never used all my capital or my monthly earnings, but I have used small amounts that added up to important parts of my capital.

    I will give some advice: always look at your percentages used, not just the numbers, percentage of your capital that has resulted in profits, or losses. And another thing, if you win, withdraw immediately, especially if it is an online casino. Anyway, as many people say; the best way to win is not to play, remember that casinos are literally traps, otherwise, they would not exist. But if you do not see yourself capable of quitting, start reducing your risks, use the money on what you later regretted not using, when you can use it. Give gifts to your loved ones, or learn to invest in stocks and in the market. And set a loss limit, never break it (I know you will) but try as hard as possible not to do so, be loyal to yourself. This will avoid many problems and regrets.

  5. There is no such thing as responsible gambling. It's a lie told by the industry to justify their profits by driving people into suicides and ridding them of all they've got, ruining families and children's futures.

  6. Stupid. Gambling addiciton is driven by fear related to people coming after a person regarding winnings being spent improperly like the mafia. its also driven by greed to get more money and get a bigger life. gambling playing card games is random odds… thats not gambling. Gambling turns into buisness and making money using venom torture and illegal activities that people get away with. It boils down to witch craft – venom torture – hypnotism – slight of hand – stealing – lying – word salad – Con artistry.

  7. "Different from 'normal' people like us"—he may call himself a professional, but this just shows that he doesn't truly grasp the essence of the subject, no matter how long he's been studying it.

    Gambling is often associated with impulsive behavior.
    When it comes to addiction, there are no 'normal' people. Everyone has their own form of addiction.
    Anyone who considers themselves 'normal' and free from any form of addiction simply doesn’t understand themselves. The same applies to this researcher.

  8. We need to as humans boycott the bookies it’s everywhere in the adverts if you haven’t heard it and you’ve read this you will hear it now our children will grow up to think this is acceptable I started off betting small and winning but as soon as you bet more you loose you will never win only the casino wins in the end


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