How green are electric cars? | It’s Complicated

There’s no denying that electric vehicles are what most of us will be driving in the near-future. Countries around the world have pledged to phase out the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles over the next few decades, in an effort to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
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But with lingering questions over the mining of rare metals, battery manufacturing and electricity consumption, Josh Toussaint-Strauss investigates whether electric vehicles are as green as we’ve been led to believe

It’s complicated ►

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  1. Public transportation was the way around once and I still believe it still is. Let's be frank, we are spoiled people who should have a car of our own but still want to present ourselves as environmental friendly. Yes, I am sure we are.

  2. EV drivers are victims of fraudulent marketing aided by the U.S. government that allowed EV makers to multiply the efficiency rating of the vehicles by 6.67 times. In addition, EV drivers need to have their wallet and their brain recharged!

  3. Undeniably better for the environment…you eventually say it but, you bury the truth beneath a pile of negative issues that all autos have. Both are bad for the environment in terms of extracting, transporting & processing the raw resources…

  4. vehicles not complicated at all, source of electricity still mired in legacy cess pools called 'oil wells.'
    prc announced recently they had passed half-way point in transition to green source power.
    rest of the world can do it too, if governments escape bribes and threats from oil wealth.

  5. If I saved 24% on the price of say a house I would be delighted.

    EVs are not a silver bullet, I agree. But continuing with the present combustion engine model of transportation is still worse over the average lifetime of both vehicles.

    There will always be a problem to solve. Having problems to solve with EVs is no reason to just chuck it and continue with combustion engines.

  6. It takes many years to recover the price of an electric vehicle against a normal car , and after those years the battery probably needs replacement , which is the most polluting( in production ) and expensive part of an EV. Also where and how is the electricity generated , as much of the world uses coal , gas etc and this is even more polluting

  7. It's not only about changing the type of energy we use but how we use it. The whole oil extraction, processing, distribution and usage are extremely inefficient. Well generating electricity efficiency can't depend, using a EV motor to use that energy is vastly more energy efficient then burning gas!

  8. Ive seen all these predictions where we are more heading for a new mini ice age which will "coincidentelly" start after 2030. If we consider this, it's obvious that they want us to epically fail as an civilization by then since none of the "green" power sources like solar and wind works in winter climate. Also, how do all these EVs work in cold climate?! Hello?! I think this is why the polititians and lobbyists in EU and W E F are so stressed to implement all these insane "solutions".

  9. yes but what about when the battries inevatibly die and the range gets shorter and shorter, we are going to have piles of electric cars in perfect condition accept for the battries rotting for no reason, when car manufactors discontinue models will they stop producing that cars battry as well?

  10. Electric cars aren't better for the Planet but what they are is a big money grab for the left. Who then gets millions of dollars to build useless Solar Farms like that abandoned one in California from an earlier Left leaning liberal wack job California Politicians. The Big Green Lie including electric car batteries. The dirtiest child labor fiasco on Earth!

  11. But electric vehicles run on Diesel powered charge points 🤡 so what your saying is electric cars are not green at all not that burning diesel is bad. tell what happens to the batteries? be honest! IV saw the fields. oh and where do you get all that lithium? Child slavery n the mines are extremely damaging to our environment

  12. In the 20th century, government limited vehicle gas mileage to sell more gas and generate more gas taxes. Now they are limiting high gas mileage cars (we can get 500mpg, imagine 20x less CO2) so EVs appear more economical. While battery power creates 25% less CO2 today, they are devastating to the planet surface and fresh water supply.
    What the video fails to mention, is that the precious metals used in EV batteries are subsidized, and will NOT get cheaper as demand increases. Precious metals only increase with increased demand. You can expect to pay over $150,000 for a Honda Civic EV.
    The end goal of government is to eliminate personal transportation. (Grandma can ride a bike, in the rain.) And this video promotes eliminating personal transportation. If you have less movement, you have less freedom.

  13. You're missing a few things about petrol/gas cars. The refinement of the oil into gas, the transportation of the gasoline, the storage of gasoline at petrol stations, the oil changes/ oil filters throughout the lifetime of the ICE car, the reduced efficiency of the gas car over time.

    Whereas EVs get cleaner overtime ( as we switch from coal to cleaner forms of power production), ICE cars get dirtier over time.

  14. EV's dont produce pollution on the street and that is their main virtue.
    They dont fill our bodies with poisons and particulate matter especially PM2.5 , as ICE cars do, burning fossil fuels, which enters our blood stream through the lungs and spreads everywhere, including our brains.
    PM 2.5 cause all sorts of health problems including cancers, asthma, mental health etc which effects more and more people, especially children every year.
    Have you noticed the deterioration in childrens health over the decades as the ICE car has risen in use, in London for the first time, a child had car pollution as the reason for her death.

  15. Problem with “green” energy is that it’s not environmentally clean. The heavier lithium battery cars wear tires out faster creating more airborne particle pollution. The heavy metals despoil the environment in their mining and eventual disposal with highly toxic minerals. They also require energy to be charged – most often fossil fuel energy. Hydrogen might be a far better solution.

    On the other hand microplastics, pesticides and pharmaceuticals pose a genuine threat to human survival.

  16. We could make the EVs much, much smaller, about the size of a 4 seat smart car for 90% of journeys, at no more than a tonne weight- eg Dacia Spring, small battery, light and charge at home. Noone needs s 2.5 tonne EV to go to the shops or school. They should be banned. Secondly, a lot less moving parts, but about a thousand times more electronic chips and relays that all need software updates all the time. It is absolutely clear (see Nissan) that software updates will be stopped after a few years, like with smartphones, where the life is about 5 years for updates, so the EV will have to be thrown away (recycled- which is energy intensive). My ICE car is 21 years old, never goes wrong and does 45mpg, it is far more carbon efficient than any current EV. No credit is given for this reality.

  17. If the answer was as simple as putting 1000 laptop batteries in a vehicles floor pan companies like Toyota would have been all in on BEVs years ago. There reality is its just not a better solution, including overall CO2, especially compared to Hybrids.

  18. This talks as though petrol is magic and magically turns up without effort at petrol stations. Petrol additionally using the likes of Cobolt. The power grid, sure, countries are cleaning up the power grid


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