In a televised speech, the British prime minister accuses the European Union of being unwilling ‘to offer this country the same terms as Canada’ and that by 1 January, when the Brexit transition period ends, the UK will be more likely to be entering trade arrangements like those of Australia. Without a ‘fundamental change of approach’ by the EU, Johnson says trade and security talks in Brussels will not progress
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the eu loves geting involved in other nations bussinesses
Think about your own pocket eh bojo I know what your all about
Unbloody believable. Australia doesn't have a European deal. Borris is Ill equipped to carry out the position of primeminister and clearly does not have the general publics best interest at heart.
Boris Johnson talks of obtaining an 'Australia-type' deal with the EU, there's no such thing. Australia doesn't have a trade deal with the EU. What a complete con artist!
Boris Johnsson winner too 2099 😊🙏💪🇬🇧
Still talking about deals??? I thought he had an "oven ready deal".
Shock horror, after telling Barnier not to bother coming to London on Friday unless the EU stop with their rediculous demands he turns up on Thursday, time for the EU to stop been daft and do a mutally beneficial trade deal.
me regalan una triumph o no les saco la maldicion de coronavirus a inglaterra
We need to protest to get Boris to step down
I think he is right by following the will of the Uk people .. … also because Hard Brexit was the thing that the UK wanted …. not really everyone …. after all I would like a Ferrari too but with 25000 € they don't give it to me … so both EU and UK have the right to go ahead if they feel badly treated
He wish!!!
(WE WILL PROSPER ) ! Yes I know you will Boris and co while in the majority of the population will suffer. And some still use the word GREAT BRITAIN ( there is no GREAT in this country anymore.
If you really thought at any moment that the EU would let you leave without consequences, you're dumber than that hair…
Saoirse go hAlbain agus Cymru ó Éire
I wonder if the north of England will also boycott Brexit at the last minute because they were unhappy with what they voted for? 🤔
Bye bye Boris Johnson he is getting stabbed
Boris Johnson is getting killed by Vito from mafia
No, you don't want a "Canada style deal" you want more, which EU is unwilling to give as it would undermine the position of EU based companies. Everyone in the EU knows that. Everyone in the UK knows that, even if only some are willing to admit it.
To put it simply… Australia doesn't have a deal with the EU. So it's no deal
Scotland, N. Ireland tells UK, "get ready to change flag".
Time to enter court proceedings. Before Johnson's Britain becomes fully syovereign, it'll have to pay for breaching international law.
Why is he smiling?
To be clear… We are totally clear…. Clear as mud. Ok….
Finally well' see if Brexit is such a disaster and for whom
In 2020 the NHS is rotten! In 2030 the english medical system is a in historical point of view a short glimmering in a dark dark hole of Lancashire!
Are we going to have also Australia’s type of science application? The tube is filled with mice Mr former Mayor and my home is Full of FLEAS! Fleas caused a different pandemic, yet also pandemic as the one we are fighting now. It was called Plague, also known as The Black Death’! Silly me, I thought you are an expert in pandemics!
And when it comes to Australia’s style of trade deal with EU. Please ask any Australian scientists, literally any you choose and they will explain you the all the EU legislation on population tracking of fish, which EU has. Please have it on mind that when it comes to wild fish – when it’s over, it’s over! And every old fisherman knows that!
So, as long you don’t have any new comers chasing fast money in a style – as long as there’s fish, we sell and fish! And when it’s over we start destroying the population of different species!
Have it on mind that Australia has only New Zealand as a geographic neighbour!
And please don’t brag about the great deal between Canada and EU! I’ve heard quite a lot of Canadians saying that they hate it!