Australian election 2022: Labor wins as Greens and independents make major gains

Australia’s Labor party has won the 2022 general election for the first time in almost a decade, but independents and Greens were also big winners on the night as Australian voters turned to third-party candidates in great numbers.

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Anthony Albanese’s Labor party failed to sweep to power in its own right, winning just 31.8% of the primary vote, and Greens leader Adam Bandt hailed a ‘greenslide’ as the party recorded its best ever ever election result

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  1. What a flop old Albo's been. All broken promises ( still waiting for my $275 energy lower prices !). VOICE Ref a disaster. All Albo thinks about is his next overseas trip. Please stay there!

  2. So nice to see, that Scott Morrison despite his defeat congratulates the new leader and his government. He has trust in people and their fine judgement. He truly respects Democracy.
    In India, the scene is completely different, when former leaders loose they come out in the streets, do riots and keep on yelling that fair voting is not conducted at all.

  3. Oh great. Another guy who hails coming from nothing and preventing others from getting the same. Just like any other politician. Red, blue, green, yellow lol they are all the same. No politician these days really cares about people. The last time you had those, they got killed. JFK, Lincoln just two name two. Go take time and look at politicians and world leaders who were killed or jailed. They cared for the le person. Most just care for their bank accounts now. Australia is no different than any other western country. Filled with lying, narcissistic criminals. Rules for thee not me.

  4. Ah yes, because if there is one thing a struggling country needs, it is a global focused, fiscally liberal government happy to spend other people's money creating government schemes that eventually do nothing. Looking forward to everyone claiming how different the Labor government will do despite the labor party and the greens supporting every choice the Liberals made during the lockdown. Just remember "Tax the rich" doesn't mean the working class suddenly get more money, it means the Government does.

  5. Does anyone think that the voting public where so fed up of lockdowns that this er change might stop these measures in future ?
    An if so how did that come about
    Surely these new lot are just as insane


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