Australian bushfire crisis deepens with record breaking temperatures

Two volunteer firefighters have been killed fighting blazes south-west of Sydney in a worsening bushfire crisis facing Australia. A seven day state of emergency was called in New South Wales, with more than 100 fires burning across the state and only half of then contained. Record high temperatures across have exacerbated the already dry conditions. South Australia is also preparing for devastating fires amidst the heat and drought. Sydney has again be blanked in bushfire smoke, triggering protests outside prime minister Scott Morrison’s Sydney residence
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  1. In Auckland yesterday the sky was virtually black with an eerie orange hue. Ash falling from the sky.. car covered with a fine layer and had to wear glasses to keep it from geeting into my eyes. Got worse pretty quick.

  2. 46 C is high but this land for people with dark skin, they can live normally with this temperature.
    You cannot live in this weather if u have white skin and small nose
    England killed Indigenous peoples of australia.
    White people should go back to Europe .
    It nature rules

  3. Have you ever looked up. Watch our skies we are being sprayed chemicals to induce global warming
    All plant a tree that'll fix the co2 problem. I've looked up carbon in my Encyclopedia Britannic printed 1973-1974. It says it's life's chemical basis
    & so much more. All so carbon 14 used to estimate the age of the specimen called radio carbon dating , it's continuously formed in Nature through an interaction of cosmic rays & nitrogenatoms, it constantly disappears by look up the carbon cycle. The process by which atmospheric carbon dioxide is converted to carbohydrates by living organisms , & used for energy( metabolised) by the organisms& released again into the atmosphere by respiration of living organisms & decomposition of dead organisms , as well as by volcanic eruption & solution of sedimentary rocks. Stop the globalist destroying our mother earths lungs the rainforests to grow palm oil (which is really bad for our health)!
    We sit on a large aquifer – more water under our feet than on top. We aren't allowed to use it Kagan water is used in Japanese hospitals for its Therapeutic qualities & the crown owns it & sells to all the private global land grabbers. Nothing is as it seems.
    It's all in the encyclopaedia. It appears to be a have. Another way to extract $$ from countries. So eventual we'll be asking the banks for loans. & the world is in a dept crisis. CEC report will fill you in on that one.

  4. This has been done in other countries to get the people out of the country off the land I've seen a fast rail is due to go up the east coast Part of China's new Silk Road. I heard 23 dams were built on private big globally owned property which were filled by our government the mines take loads when fracking If its global warming as they say & not deliberate why isn't the whole world burning.

  5. Global avge temps are not rising because there is not enough historical & reliable data from around the world to make such prognostications . Only a few civilized countries recorded daily weather temperatures one hundred years ago. In actual fact the global climate is in a state of stasis .

  6. Hey Australia ! England here you are in our thoughts and prayers heartbreaking every morning watching this on tv I hope kids adults are safe or get somewhere safe . You dont deserve this !! I would offer you to come here but it's pretty horrible in the UK lol . Stay safe you guys 💓

  7. What I don't understand if there is so much danger from wildfires in Australia why they don't cut every tree, bush… in circle around populated areas. 100 meters wide, even more if its needed.

  8. are there anymore bushes and forests left to burn? It's been burning now like hell for over a month…in the end you're going to be left with no vegetation? More action on climate change?? what a joke….it's up to every little goddamn human to do something…reduce the plastic, not destroy paper like crazy buy electric cars or low fuel consumption…but the aussies are not doing it…they love the waste, they love their 4 wheel drives,the bigger and more polluting the engine the happier they are, the bigger the carbon footprint the happier they are

  9. Very very sad…for the two widows. Must legislate a proper guard, paid and insured for seasonal fires. Why is Morrison in a US State on holiday. Why not Lady Hamilton Island? Or similar

  10. Can’t believe Australia relies heavily on volunteers. They deserve to get paid for what these firefighters have done. Cut foreign aid and give it to those that are saving homes and lives!

  11. Aluminium, Barium & Strontium are three key components of SPARKLERS & also geo engineering sprays &'detected in high quantities from soil & water samples all over Australia. That is why the fires are catastrophic, Australia is covered in sparkler dust. Source: Max Igan CROWHOUSE


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