A councillor from Lismore City Council has urged the police to step up to stamp out rising crime while calling for the council to remove squatters from government-purchased flood buyback homes.
Councillor Big Rob has called for the removal of squatters from homes on Pine Street in Lismore, claiming they are “alleged criminals” while calling for police to crack down on a rise in crime facing the Northern Rivers region.
He has called for an immediate enforcement from council of public space rules, which would include fines and removals.
This comes after New South Wales Premier Chris Minns vowed to demolish eight homes on Pine Street and evict squatters in flood buyback homes.
Mr Minns said in early March he aims to evict “overseas visitors, tourists, backpackers” who were taking advantage of properties left empty after being included in a government-buyback scheme for Lismore homes following the 2022 floods.
The NSW Reconstruction Authority purchased more than 600 properties as part of a buyback program which led to several dozen people known as the Pine Street squatters, living in boarded up and fenced-off houses in north Lismore.
It has been reported tourists and backpackers have been in these homes since the 2022 floods and Mr Rob wants something done about the situation.
The Lismore councillor told SkyNews.com.au they are not squatters but rather “criminals”.
“When you break into a place, damage the locks, steal water and power and don’t leave when you are told, you are a criminal. It’s unlawful occupation,” Mr Rob said.
He said he does not see Mr Minns following through with his vow to remove the squatters.
Mr Rob claimed the premier is “talking tough” and if the squatters were to get moved on from the homes on Pine Street, the people would do everything to ensure they stay.
“They will do everything they can to stop it. They will put themselves in harms way,” Mr Rob said.
“They have already done it to tradies, when they went there to try disconnect water.”
Mr Rob said these “criminals” paint an unfair picture for Australian families looking to buy a home and should be deported if they have come from overseas.
“These people think they deserve everything for free, when people work so hard to get ahead,” he said.
Mr Rob has started petition to “say goodbye to the pine street criminals” which is up against another petition “STOP Demolition of Buyback Homes in the Northern Rivers — Demand Real Flood Recovery NOW”.