Why self-driving cars have stalled | It’s Complicated

Fully fledged self-driving technology appears to be perpetually just around the corner. It is a promise that the Tesla chief executive, Elon Musk, has made almost every year since 2013.
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But in the real world, it is still an open question whether level five self-driving automation is actually possible. Josh Toussaint-Strauss finds out how close industry frontrunners have come to full autopilot mode and assess the scale of the problems standing in their way.

Driven to distraction: how close are we to watching films in self-driving cars? ► https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/apr/20/driven-to-distraction-how-close-are-we-to-watching-films-in-self-driving-cars

How self-driving cars got stuck in the slow lane ► https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/mar/27/how-self-driving-cars-got-stuck-in-the-slow-lane

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  1. My car has been driving me around for months now. I still supervise, but it just goes by itself until at the end of the trip I have to tell it where to park, then it parks itself, but only in parallel parking in reverse (so it can charge if needed). 2024 model Y LR FSD 12.3.6.

  2. I don‘t understand how the Tesla can just crash into the truck on the road, even if autopilot can‘t handle the situation, can’t the automatic emergency braking system override autopilot and give warning about the object ahead

  3. At 30k+ deaths by automobile in the US alone every year humans don't do edge cases very well either. The test is when is self-driving better than humans, not perfect, those are very different bars. Insurance companies, lawyers and even manufacturers (and government – think of the DMV and police) are terrified of this tech because it will destroy their business models. I currently drive a '24 Prius which is 99.9% self driving on the expressway. I'm not sleeping in the back seat and I watch the road, but more like a pilot or train engineer, ready to take control in an instant. It reduces the workload significantly and allows more cognitive bandwidth for complex situations – oddly particularly useful in heavy traffic .

  4. It’s important because as people age, they don’t want to quit driving themselves to the doctor or the grocery store or even through the country on a Sunday afternoon. I hope someday I can get in my car put an address and start the car. I don’t care if I have to back it up all the time but when I get into the lane, especially if there’s no cars there I wanted to take off and drive follow the GPS what’s so hard about that

  5. I only trust myself with driving not computer's there are so many things that can/will go wrong, just look at the electric cars they can combust spotane or when they upload energy ,and its a deathtrap when its in the water . Nah leave the driving to the people, but people really need to learn how to drive and know the rules of traffic. If you don't know these things…..please don't drive thats saver for everyone

  6. If Musk were honest (rather than a charlatan) he'd have shut down the whole FSD program once he realized that making it work requires a general AI solution rather than an accumulation of "edge case" solutions, because we don't have anything like general AI and we won't for the foreseeable future. Tesla should end FSD, give all the people who bought it their money back (with interest), and concentrate on driver-assist.

    All the talk of hiring your car out as an unsupervised robotaxi was a ridiculous fantasy. I'm 65, and I don't expect to see true vehicle autonomy in my lifetime (which is too bad, as it would be a terrific thing to have).

  7. No driver is perfect. How much safer do the robot cars have to be, than humans? I'd settle for 95% fewer fatalities per million miles driven.

    When your insurance rates are 95% cheaper, you'll switch, especially if you operate a large fleet.

  8. I saw ford was working on a self driving vehicle and if you dont make the payment it will eventually drive itself to the impound lot. Now image if your drinking and it locksyou in and drivesyou to thepolice station…no thank you.

  9. I think the main reason why they stopped developing a fully automated vehicle is the immense scale of potential job losses and the resulting disruption of social order. What would happen to all the millions of unemployed drivers? They need to be occupied/controlled to have order in society, and not many of those people can be re-integrated to the workforce. So, in order not to disrupt the fabric of society, the Big Tech has abandoned the project for now.


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