Guardian’s reporting of Lidia Thorpe’s women’s rights rally hijack ‘bizarre’ and ‘absolutely crazy’

It is “absolutely crazy” The Guardian chose to lead their coverage of Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe’s hijack of a women’s rights rally with a quote regarding her treatment by police, says Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton.




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  1. It and s disturbing for police to put hands on her shoud have been charged with assaulting Lidia Thorp because you say she was charging them as i thought we have free speach, the police have a power trip happening here as Lidia wasn't aggressive at all she just spoke then was attacked immediately. For shame in you white police at that trying to hurt a woman…

  2. 👎👎👎. Get that person out of parliament she has no right been their. We do not need people like her in our government! Been abusive & verbally assaulting someone in public.. let alone she had the gall to wave a flag. Of the indigenous people of Australia whilst doing it… Plus she even let the flag hit the ground & even dragged it. If anyone turns this into a racial issue wow. Really? Is lidia even a indigenous person? Just asking. If she isn’t removed from parliament/ a seat in the Australian government for her actions in this video. What a disgrace U people are in our Australian government! It will just go to show how much of a joke it is

  3. VERY SIMPLE… Any speaker should be protected from an aggressive approach. No cop should wait to see if the aggressor attacks. That woman is a NUT! Not a politician 🤕

  4. Thorpe look's like she's on Crack or PCP,………..She's a Maniac. Anyone can see she's a Danger to herself, and member's of the public. Why oh why hasn't she been Certified to an institution. It won't be long before she causes some real damage to some poor individual. A look into substance misuse, or Alcohol Abuse might give some answer's to her Mental State. I also hear her True Aboriginal Name Is "The Pale One". Don't know how true that is, but she must be an absolute Embarrassment to her Tribe.

  5. The evil art of insidious propaganda is always applied by the use of many forms of distraction, from the true facts, and a` purposeful diversion from the real actual truth. These include the same techniques used by many dictators of the past, Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, and the master of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, who would lie and misapply anything he could misconstrue. These are the same tactics used by the Trans lobby today, their objective is not to have a logical conversation based upon truths or scientific biological facts, these are far removed from their mind. Their objective is to misappropriate meanings, to impute erroneous motives to what one actually wants to say and express and mean. The tactic is for them to muddy the waters of any issue, of any facts, of any values, even ethics, as well accepted and correct and of worth. These are the reasons why the trans lobby nihilists never enter into proper debate or discussion, because they know that if they did they would be quickly found out as truly ignorant and having no real founded argument to offer. This is exactly what they are doing to Kellie, they know in their hearts that they are misapplying every true meaning that Kelle says, and purposely too! An example of this is their constant claim that Kellie is anti trans, but instead Kellie is more pro women and their right to speak than anything else she believes in. Kellie's whole stand is totally misconstrued by the trans lobby, and they want it that way. Their true objective is to defeat open discussion, to bring about a nihilistic kind of world disorder, based upon their confusion and vitriol of speech. The tactic of abuse is their main weapon, second is their quick use of violence to get their own way and to make any opposition shut up and go away. Their quick reliance on and misuse of words like "Nazi"… "Bigot"… "Fascist"… "Transphobic" etc etc, are terms that they use loosely and always to others who refuse to agree with them, this is a common tactic and again used instead of entering into logical debate, something they refuse to do because they know they don't have the tools to actually do it. Always remember that to gain power over others the dictators of the past always applied misdirection and lying propaganda to get the masses on side, Hitler's motto was: make the lie BIG, the big lie! All this was inspired by the principle – which is quite true within itself – that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. This is exactly what the Trans lobby are doing today, using the BIG LIE technique. They are the true modern day Nazi's, the bigots, the real fascists of dictatorship. Not Posie Parker!

  6. We have our own crazed Green Party Leader over here in NZ who said "CIS white males are responsible for all violence in the world" after the Posie Parker rally in Auckland.

  7. This thorp thinks she can screw anyone that is not black she has another think coming as the blacks will she is playing the racist thing and they will turn on her and the media should be ashamed of themselves supporting her and what she herself is about a tastiest bitch

  8. Let's see Lidia voted out, and reduced to a minimum wage, zero hour contract job, doing dull, degrading, dirty work during unsociable hours. For the rest of her stupid life. That's all she is good for.


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