How the Tonga volcano has been felt around the world

A large underwater volcano in Tonga has sent huge swells around the world affecting countries bordering the Pacific Ocean.
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The tsunami waves caused damage to boats as far away as New Zealand and large swells were seen in California and Japan but did not appear to cause any widespread damage. Two people have drowned off a beach in northern Peru, local authorities say, after unusually high waves were recorded in several coastal areas

Tonga volcano eruption: Pacific tsunami damage unclear as ash blankets island nation ►

Two drown in Peru as abnormally big waves from Tonga volcano hit coast ►

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  1. Wow! thanks for showing these events together in one video. makes quite an impact.
    so what’s with N.Z.? every other gov’t issued warnings even here in California – so much further away than N.Z.! that’s really surprising! somebody’s going to get in big trouble!!
    take care 🙂 🌊🌷🌿🌼🌱🌷

  2. This is just a tiny splash compared to the tsunami that is about to hit the west coast soon when the cascadia quake occurs. You can expect to see a wave 100 feet high or higher. Will an early warning system and emergency plan help the coastal residents escape that?


    I’ve blocking for about 1 month now & some random named new channel keeps popping up.
    Literally, it’s like someone sees I block & just creates another random named news channel to pop up in my feed 😐😑

  4. The tsunami warning in Peru was cancelled by the government and most people didn't know that it wasn't safe to be at the beach or around and that's why there's videos of people from Ica where their business get flooded and so. And also thanks to the lack of info and interest from authorities/people, a ship that was unloading barrels of oil got hit by the tides and caused a huge oil spill, news said it was 6k barrels, and that it will take years to clean :/ it could have been prevented but the org (ministerio del ambiente, environment office) that issues the warnings is managed by a man who doesn't have any knowledge on environmental management and Repsol (the business that managed the shipment) did not take the correct procedures to stop the oil spill/correctly manage the problem and now it's a disaster 🙁 the government is doing nothing, and Repsol sent 15 people to clean a section of beach, and these people were cleaning the oil with dust pans. There's volunteers trying to help but bc of lack of equipment they're not able to do much, it's a complete disaster :((


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