Coronavirus: Donald Trump and members of the US task force brief reporters – watch live

Members of the coronavirus task force brief reporters on-camera
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  1. Identify, isolate and contact will be the goal (I hope) which basically means having the capacity of tests and the ability to notify individuals that have been in contact with those that test positive. If we dont at least have that testing in place; this country is doomed. We cant afford to keep having shutdowns with lack of response all summer, Fall and Winter months. Hopefully the President gets these functions established. It is his effort that will determine the future. Not Congress, not Government, no one else. It isn't a time to blame, point the finger or talk. Just get it done. Dont talk about it; just do it. Everyone is avoiding answering straight forward questioning on behalf of the President.
    It also gives the President a few months to manufacture antibody tests as well. That's it. The main functions right now. We have to take into account that many infectious individuals can and will be out spreading this virus unknowingly. The test will be extremely important with the capacity to notify and isolate. The masks are coming, the machines are coming, the gowns are coming, etc. The present is in place. We need to be prepared for the future. Future lives, future procedures, future establishment of medical resources and response. These are the words I'm not hearing from the President right now that scares me. This country is going to need a clear pathway to reopening along with giving every citizen hope. We can easily start doing some test runs in rural, small towns of America until we get back to full capacity. Produce produce produce tests now…from multiple factories 24/7. That should be the main focus and goal right now. The Governors are already taking care of their individual states unless they have request.

  2. He just moves every question back to money ……. somebody please please tell him most people don’t actually give a f@@k at the moment let’s get rid of this then we can move to that !,,,,,, total f@ckwiit


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