Dharawal elder recounts Captain Cook’s arrival in Australia 250 years ago

To mark 250 years since British explorers landed in Australia for the first time, authorities are planning to unveil new memorials at Captain James Cook’s landing site in Botany Bay, while a replica Endeavour sailing vessel will circumnavigate Australia – when Covid-19 restrictions allow.
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But one Aboriginal elder, who grew up on the shores of Botany Bay and has spent years involved in the resurrection of his Indigenous Dharawal culture, explains why Aboriginal people will not be celebrating

• Paul Daley: Commemorating James Cook’s arrival, Australia should not omit his role in the suffering that followed ► https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/postcolonial-blog/2020/apr/29/commemorating-james-cooks-arrival-australia-should-not-omit-his-role-in-the-suffering-that-followed

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  1. Australia Aboriginal activists who are protesting today and standing for Palestine need to ask themsetwo things: 1. Who built the building they were protesting on? and 2. Do they realise that so called Palestinians are actually Arabs from Arabia and that rhey themselves invaded the land of Canaan on which they now live? Palestiniansvare invaders. Aboriginals came from places like Sentinel Islands, the Pacific islands, Sri Lanka 60,000 years ago. They invaded the great south land too. Give us all a break. Stop acting like sooks and appreciate what you have, a wonderful if notbthe best country in the world.

  2. Only as one Australia will progress, your claims is to open division, destroy harmonyAll nations have many tribes or native poeple but so united. Look at RWANDA had huge internal massacre between two native just recently, and now most prosperous country in Africa, as one !!!!

  3. What a bitter story taller -we not part of us ! We created best country! History of every country is wars killing, oppression on much bigger scale …we Polish had war with Germany and no bitterness any more. Stop this division, wound opening…move over

  4. And the word kangaroo was first recorded from my people in Cooktown my guugu yimithirr people shared some of our language with captain cook and his crew around 130 words in our language guugu yimithirr language was written down everyone speaks one word of guugu yimithirr language and that's kangaroo just spelt a little different

  5. Em the aboriginals were pretty welcoming to Cook, they didn’t really care about him. Infact cook and many of his crew even wrote about how they were friendly and more just intrigued to why they are landing…

  6. Why are we constantly divided? What is so hard about accepting the fact there will always be two stories at play with regards to the colonisation of this country. Perhaps the real indifference is that we are increasingly exposed to one side of the story ( the imperialistic side) hence why we are inclined to feel divided. There i just answered my own question 🙂

  7. A short pencil is better than a long memory. James Cook is innocent until proven guilty. When most of us go to a place that we never been to, sure, we have a look around, take a few photos, buy a few souvenirs write down our experiences, then go home and share those experiences with others. It's the human thing to do. For over a thousand years, there has been explorers, from the Vikings onwards.

  8. I don't mean to insult his stories but his great uncles great grandfather wasn't alive 250 years ago. That's a ridiculous claim to make and really goes to show the highly subjective value of oral histories.

  9. More fantasy nonsense! How would they have known it was the Endeavour? At best loose oral stories MAY have been discussed – likely not – for a time. Coastal tribes likely from time to time saw a sailing ship and for a day or 3, it was a passing interest and then life returned to normal. Typical leftie nonsense put forward by the Guardian and ''Their ABC''. Before attacking me…think about it…credit the Aboriginal people as what they were, not a reworked load of nonsense.


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